2000 Hippocrates.
December 1999 Reviewed in The Lancet. vol 354, December 18/25, p. 2181.
November 1999 Online supplement to The Guardian. Thurs, 11 Nov., p. 7.
November 1999 Recommended by USA Today.
Internet links to this web site (excluding search engines):
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5/11/2001 The history of education and childhood
27/9/2001 Dittrick medical center
1/9/2001 Dynamo House, Australia
3/6/2001 telnet breadband
14/4/2001 EMtech
23/2/2001 Lewis Caroll & Alice related websites
10/2/2001 Tim Roufs University of Minnesota, Duluth.
8/2/2001 Histria da Neuroci ncia
1/2/2001 Das falsche Profil interview with yours truly (in German) by Hartmut Krech.
1/2/2001 History of medicine at Stanford.
19/1/2001 Hgskolebiblioteket i Sk vde (Sweden)
2/1/2001 Linklist History of Pharmacy (University of Marburg, Germany)
12/12/2000 Instytut Psychofizjonomiki (Poland)
12/2000 Research Resources for Nineteenth-Century Studies by Jon Topham.
2/12/2000 Seven's face Japan
12/11/2000 http://zeilen.pagina.nl/
2/11/2000 Selected
history sites Murdoch University
2/11/2000 Hartmut Krech's links
26/10/2000 link of the week
6/10/2000 Victorian Resources Online: An Annotated List of Scholarly Websites
24/9/00 Web pages of Dr. Anthony Walsh "Not to be missed, a thorough coverage of the imagery, literature, & lore!" http://inside.salve.edu/walsh/psych-history.html and elsewhere.
15/9/00 JANE EYRE Addlink Page Chris Strickling.
14/9/2000 Heimatbuch LONGUICH-KIRSCH Beiträge und Reportagen zur Dorfgeschichte von Alfred Trossen. Spurzheim's hometown!
14/9/2000 The Telson Spur: Field Nodes -- Concepts (2): Science Studies
11/9/2000 Instytut Psychofizjonomiki Frenologia na uniwersytecie w Cambridge (Poland)
8/9/2000 English 279: Introduction to American Studies Randall Knope, Department of English, University of Massachusetts
4/9/2000 http://www.htk.fi/kirjasto/filopsyk.htm - Frenologia, F. J. Gallin perustama oppi, aikanaan suosittu psykologian haara kukoisti 1800-luvun alun Euroopassa. Frenologit uskoivat, että ihmisen kallonmuoto ja sen kyhmyt määrittivät persoonallisuuden piirteitä ja älykkyyttä. Erityisen suosittua frenologia oli rikollisuudentutkimuksesssa. Sivuilla historiaa, kuvia, useiden frenologien teosten täysteksti, aikajana, aikalaiskriikkiä, linkkejä. (John van Wyhe, Cambridge University) [Finnish]
31/8/2000 http://courses.wju.edu:8000/bin/common/externallinks.pl?course_id=PSY-340-j restricted access.
26/8/2000 Historical Picture Collections University of San Diego (excellent links to historical images)
23/8/2000 Omni Nottingham University.
21/8/2000 Winthrop University (SC, USA) Dept of psychology
21/8/2000 History of Science & Medicine in Washington
15/8/2000 JANE EYRE Addlink Page University of Texas
11/8/2000 Saint Louis University Resource Guide: History Of Psychology
10/8/2000 Biological Foundations of Behaviour Notice Page
21/7/2000 Honest Intellectual Inquiry: Selected Science Sites by Carol de Priest
20/7/2000 Heather MacLeod, Geriatric Assessor, QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, NS.
12/7/2000 Mental health links, King's College London
11/7/00 Searchopolis
30/6/2000 MS Encarta on-line
29/6/2000 На този сайт можете да намерите
21/6/2000 Sources For General History by Prof Dan Graf.
15/6/2000 The early Quarterly Review by Jonathan Cutmore.
13/6/2000 Encyclopeadia Britannica on-line
1/6/2000 Champlain College Education Resources, Critical Thinking links.
30/5/2000 History of British literature sylabus
12/5/2000 English 376B and 185A Resources, Department of English, Stanford University
5/5/2000 Phrenology: The Science of the Mind? Essay by Tammy Lechner (which unfortunately consistently misspells my name with a capital v!)
19/4/2000 University of Minnesota Deluth anthropology sylabus
4/6/2000 Robert Walls' homepage
28/5/2000 Book notes The Victorians had a very strange way of looking at things. Craig Jensen.
20/5/2000 bronxdaily
17/5/2000 nakayama.org (Japan)
5/5/2000 University of Cambridge History Faculty: On-line Resources for Historians.
3/4/2000 bronxdaily
3/4/2000 DutchESS, Dutch electronic subject service
1/3/2000 History and Philosophy of Science at Aberdeen Phrenology. The history of phrenology, including images, digitised texts and critical biography.
14/2/2000 Phrenology and the Fine Arts at The Boston College Fine Arts Department
6/2/2000 Affinity Magazine: The History of Phrenology :detailed information, the largest collection of phrenological images in any one place.
6/2/2000 Milestones in Neuroscience Research
2/2/2000 Psychology 591: The Psychology of Paranormal Belief Alternative Medical and Psychological Traditions
25/1/2000 History Web Links at Ferris State University
17/1/2000 Links Page of Dan Bivona, English Department Chair Arizona State University.
6/1/2000 http://my.treeway.com/spanky/Medicine.htm?946002902
4/1/2000 http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cpweb.html#dream_analysis
2/12/1999 Third Age. What Your Head Reveals ARCHIVE | DECEMBER 2, 1999 Phrenology -- the study of the cranium as a supposed indication of character -- gets a high-tech makeover at The History of Phrenology on the Web and offers some tidbits on "interpreting" the bumps on another's noggin or your own. There's an extensive section on terms and definitions. Most phrenologists would run their bare fingertips over a person's head to distinguish any elevations or indentations. The cranial topography was supposed to tell the phrenologist about a myriad of personality traits. During the fad's heyday in the 1830s and 1840s, many employers would demand a character reference from a local phrenologist to ensure the prospective employee was honest and hard-working.
2/12/1999 Exploration Magazine The Oldest "Psychology:"
2/12/1999 actualizations
1/12/1999 Untangle
12/ 1999 SHiPS Teachers' Network NEWS A Newsletter for the Sociology, History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching. Vol. 9, No. 2 --- December, 1999 History of Phrenology - well organized, if you want to venture into the fascinating realm of this now disreputable science which is, oddly, a logical expression of the structure-function relationship (***)
13/11/99 recd by S. Burns http://www.fc.peachnet.edu/psychology/_disc9/0000012b.htm
12/11/1999 Tricks & Trinkets: Head Map: Phrenology, the study of the conformation of the skull as indicative of mental faculties and traits of character, enjoyed popular appeal into the 20th century. If you think the shape of your head holds clues to the functions of the brain, this skull's for you.
10/11/1999 MedWebPlus
9/11/1999 The Bizarre Bazaar The History of Phrenology - in Victorian times people believed you determine the character and intellectual traits of a person by examining the shape and contours of the skull ("reading the bumps on your head").
8/11/1999 In Israel (the fonts don't come through on my browser)
7/11/1999 Neuro Sciences Medicine for the Human Mind Study Links and Help Resources An Old Way to Study the Brain! Phrenology
7/11/1999 Netscape Reviewed Web Sites Web sites reviewed and categorized by a team of editors.
11/6/1999 The WKBW-TV HotSpot page
6/11/1999 Artigen Cool Sites
5/11/1999 Fark.com: (Phrenology) Check out those bumps on your head - a History of phrenology
5/11/1999 Corey & Jay Show: "The Missing Links" - "daily stuff we mention" on the radio.
5/11/1999 H-NET: Humanities and Social Sciences Online. At Michigan State University.
4/11/1999 Northeastern Pennsylvania Online (copied the review from USA Today below)
4/11/1999 Brain
Bumps In our old-things-become-new category: Studying the bumps on one's
head goes high-tech, thanks to the History of Phrenology on the Web.
3/11/1999 POIMINTOJA UUSISTA MAKUPALOISTA - Frenologia, F. J. Gallin perustama oppi, aikanaan suosittu psykologian haara kukoisti 1800-luvun alun Euroopassa. Frenologit uskoivat, että ihmisen kallonmuoto ja sen kyhmyt määrittivät persoonallisuuden piirteitä ja älykkyyttä. Erityisen suosittua frenologia oli rikollisuudentutkimuksesssa. Sivuilla historiaa, kuvia, useiden frenologien teosten täysteksti, aikajana, aikalaiskriikkiä, linkkejä. (John van Wyhe, Cambridge University)
1/11/1999 The Black Stump (medical links) NEW-History of Phrenology
1/11/1999 Victorian Web Sites by Mitsuharu Matsuoka at Nagoya University, Japan
30/10/1999 The Victorian Web - Portions of this site now appear on The Victorian Web.
29/10/1999 The
Scout Report (Wisconsin University) "The History of Phrenology
on the Web Popular in early nineteenth-century Europe (especially
in Britain), and later in America, phrenology was the controversial
belief that one could determine the character and intellectual traits
of a person by examining the shape and contours of the skull ("reading
the bumps on your head").
Created and maintained by John van Wyhe of Cambridge University, this site
claims to be "the largest and most comprehensive website for the
history of phrenology." Contents include the full text of several
phrenological works, phrenology images, a brief introduction and
timeline, some contemporary criticism, and a critical bibliography.
Links to other online texts and related sites are also provided.
This site is a good resource for historians and general users interested
in what its practitioners called, "the only
true science of mind." [MD]
26/10/1999 Link at egroups by Ken Jacobs
22/10/1999 Omni UK: Description: A resource on the history of phrenology, produced by John van Wyhe, Faculty of History, Cambridge University. The materials provided here were gathered as part of his doctoral research. Phrenology was "both a nineteenth-century faculty psychology and science of character reading". Information is provided on what phrenology was, a time line, the origins of phrenology, phrenological organs, as well as images and a bibliography. A number of texts are also available from here, including George Combe's "Constitution of Man" (8th edition, 1847).
18/10/1999 EASST The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Link of the quarter here.
17/10/1999 Voice of the Shuttle, at the University of California at Santa Barbara.
15/10/1999 http://dmoz.org/Society/History/Science/
5/10/1999 Victorian Research Web at Indiana University
1/10/1999 Cyber Museum of Neurosurgery
30/9/1999 Some of the on-line texts at this site are indexed at Books On-line by John Ockerbloom at the University of Pennsylvania.
29/9/1999 Psychology Dept. York University.
23/9/1999 Phrenology Pro phrenology site in Belgium.
22/9/1999 MEDICAL HISTORY ON THE INTERNET maintained by A.J. Wright, MLS Department of Anesthesiology Library School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham.
© John van Wyhe 1999-2011. Materials on this website may not be reproduced without permission except for use in teaching or non-published presentations, papers/theses.